πŸš€ Midjourney Office Hours Highlights: September 4th

I have to disappoint you, no space-based data centers for MidJourney in the near future. Eventhough the concept sounds interesting. You can read more about that here. The September 4, 2024 Midjourney Office Hours presented several updates and future plans. Key points included revamping personalization and new video model development, aiming to improve user experience and platform features. Here’s a comprehensive summary of what was shared: If you prefer to just get the gist of it, jump down to the TL;DR; section.

Extended Recap

Here's a detailed recap of what was shared:

Personalization System Overhaul 🎨

One of the most significant updates discussed was the overhaul of the personalization system. The team is working on a major update for the website aimed at increasing user engagement through enhanced personalization features. Interestingly, they are considering making personalization mandatory to improve the overall user experience. Currently, only about 10% of users utilize personalized models, a number they hope to increase significantly.

Image Editing Tools πŸ–ΌοΈ

Midjourney is also developing new image editing tools, including an import feature for non-Midjourney images. Additionally, they are experimenting with depth control features, with two versions currently in testing. These tools are expected to offer users more flexibility and control over their creative projects.

Model Releases πŸ“¦

The release of Version 6.2 remains uncertain, with the team expressing a generally negative outlook on its launch. A final decision is expected this week. Meanwhile, Version 7 (V7) is already in development, featuring a simpler architecture designed to reduce technical debt and improve performance. The team may prioritize V7 over interim releases, given its promising capabilities.

Video Model Development πŸŽ₯

Video models are being tested with V6.1, and the team is debating the best release strategy. Options include a 6.2 release, a 6.x video model, or pushing directly to V7. This development could open new avenues for creative expression on the platform.

Website Updates 🌐

Several minor organizational improvements are planned for the website, including a mobile app wrapper for better phone accessibility and enhancements to the Explore page. A new rating system for front-page curation and fast hours incentives for user participation are also in the works.

Storytelling Feature πŸ“–

A new storytelling tool is under development, with testing set to begin with guides and moderators in the coming weeks. This feature aims to provide users with more robust options for narrative creation.

Feature Discussions πŸ› οΈ

The team is testing two versions of depth control and has developed color palette features, although the latter has not yet been shipped due to resource constraints. The V7 architecture aims to improve text generation capabilities and will offer better support for non-English prompts and more prompting styles. Improvements in face smoothing and hand quality are also being addressed in V7.

Technical Aspects βš™οΈ

Current upscalers are designed for accuracy and conservation, with considerations for an advanced upscaler mode in the future. There are no current plans for a relaxed mode in upscaling due to cost challenges. The team also confirmed that earth-based data centers are sufficient for their needs, dismissing any plans for space-based centers.

Community and Research πŸ§ͺ

Ongoing aesthetic research and personality tests are being conducted to gather data for comprehensive reports on aesthetics and demographics. These studies aim to deepen the team's understanding of user preferences and improve the platform accordingly.

Miscellaneous πŸ—‚οΈ

The team is facing challenges in scaling certain roles, such as frontend engineers with design skills, and plans to adjust their project management approach next year. Despite the competitive landscape, Midjourney remains focused on fundamental research and understanding aesthetics rather than being influenced by competitors' releases. They are also considering future JPEG compression for older images to reduce storage needs, with an option for users to flag images that should not be converted.


Personalization System Overhaul 🎨: Major update aimed at increasing user engagement; considering mandatory personalization.

Image Editing Tools πŸ–ΌοΈ: Import feature for non-Midjourney images and depth control features in development.

Model Releases πŸ“¦: Uncertainty around Version 6.2; Version 7 in development with improved performance.

Video Model Development πŸŽ₯: Testing with V6.1; debating release strategy.

Website Updates 🌐: Minor improvements, mobile app wrapper, and new rating system.

Storytelling Feature πŸ“–: New tool in testing phase.

Feature Discussions πŸ› οΈ: Depth control, color palette, and text generation improvements.

Technical Aspects βš™οΈ: Upscalers, no relaxed mode, and earth-based data centers.

Community and Research πŸ§ͺ: Ongoing aesthetic research and personality tests.

Miscellaneous πŸ—‚οΈ: Hiring challenges, focus on fundamental research, and future JPEG compression for older images.

Stay tuned for more updates as Midjourney continues to innovate and enhance its platform!

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